Monday, July 03, 2023

The assault on the petro dollar picks up speed....India paying for Russian oil in Yuans


Damn! Didn't the India Prime Minister just visit the White House? I guess they assessed the man and said he ain't shit. Perception isn't everything but it is SOMETHING. We've been caught up in the stage of either laughing at Biden's blunders or cursing those around him and thinking they should be jailed for elder abuse.

We forgot about one other issue.

We laugh or pity our President.  Other world leaders see nothing but weakness.

We're in trouble folks.  This will pick up speed.  This administration will be extremely consequential in the worst possible ways for US global power.

Trump was ridiculed by the Europeans and or elite.  He wasn't thought of as being weak though.  I think Biden is oozing weakness and other leaders are pouncing.

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