Sunday, July 09, 2023

The "Sir who am I" article laid out how compartimentalized and how lack of consensus would not be tolerated with Force Design 2030...can the new Commandant repair the damage?

 From the very start the cabal behind Force Design 2030 told us who they were.  Not only did they tell us who they were but they laid out that any dissent would be punished to the extreme and that it was their way or the highway.

Do you remember the "Sir who am I" article that was posted to WAR ON THE ROCKS shortly before Berger came into office.

One passage is chilling in the extreme.  Check it out...

Staff this amongst your general officers, senior executive service members, and key colonel-level combat developers, listen to their feedback, and assess their willingness to implement it. Then retire those who will refuse to say “aye aye, sir” and execute your vision. Our nation does not have the time for half-hearted incrementalism or the frozen middle. Please don’t put us through another Marine Corps Force 2025 where we tried to decide how we should organize, train, and equip without a clear identity. With the strategic guidance now available from our civilian leadership, which was not published in 2016 when Marine Corps Force 2025 began, a clear identity is now possible and represents a once-in-a-century chance to re-invent the Marine Corps.

These arrogant (maybe I should have been more aware earlier but its amazing how many times arrogance comes back and bites the human race in the ass) puffed up little princes think that they are the end all be all.

They believe that they know the future of warfare and have decided to push all their chips into the middle of the table on the idea of war with China.

Unless a decision has already been made at the National Command Authority level that war with China over Taiwan is GOING TO HAPPEN (and it obviously haven't...we are not seeing an extreme funding increase for any of the services) then this is a very dangerous way of doing business.

Even worse is the fact that this small cabal of rebels were able to shut down discussion on this concept inside the active force.

Its readily apparent that anyone that disagreed with FD2030 probably received adverse fitness reports and were probably retired from the service.

Unless you've been there then you don't know how brutal the Marine Corps can be at times.

In essence a small group shoved a concept down the throats of the Marine Corps and only a brave few led by Retired Officers are fighting back.

What is horrible is that the link between past and current Marines is fracturing.

I HOPE that the new Commandant can repair things.  Confidence is not high. 

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