Thursday, July 20, 2023

Ukraine Victory Over Russia Is 'This Year or Never': U.S. Veteran in Kyiv (MUST READ)

Thanks to Noble for the link!

Note.  This US veteran is echoing many of the things I've been saying on this blog for months.  He says this year or never?  It won't be this year.

Via Newsweek

It's going to be one of those forever wars," Kramer—who served the U.S. military for 26 years in locations including Afghanistan, Bosnia, Congo, Iraq, and Kosovo—said.

The Russians have had months, if not years, to develop defense in depth. And the same things that were working against the Russian army—whether it's logistic lines, or logistic hubs, or these directed fires from the Ukrainians—also work against the Ukrainians when they're on the offense."


"You always have to look at logistics and political will," the veteran added. "You can already see that the amount of stuff the West has given to Ukraine is depleting the West's ability to maintain a ready posture. I see it getting worse as the year goes on. I think less and less will be coming in."

At the July 11-12 NATO summit, Czech President Petr Pavel said Kyiv's "window of opportunity" to liberate land may close by the end of 2023, as worse weather and political conditions combine to increase pressure for negotiations with Moscow.

"I agree with the statement that it's this year or never," Kramer said.


"There's a lot of casualties," Kramer said. "I've got some of my guys working a casualty collection point. And I don't want to say numbers, because it's all just anecdotal, but they're seeing triple the amount of casualties they saw a few months ago. It's pretty horrific."


"The Ukrainians, their logistics are still very ad hoc," he said. "They rely a lot on their own rail systems too. So even if there is a breakthrough, the ability to push enough troops, reserve forces, and artillery forward is just not quite there."


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