Monday, July 03, 2023

Whats most disturbing about the Ukraine/Russia war from a Western perspective? Its not trench warfare (but that's bad too)

 It just hit me what's so disturbing to me about the Ukraine/Russia war.  Of course I'm looking at this from a Western perspective and specifically from a Marine Corps point of view.

The disturbing thing is that instead of concentrating on the threat that's on the ground now you have to look up.

Death from above ain't a damn paratrooper.

That fucker can be dealt with while he's falling from the sky or when he hits deck.

The disturbing thing is those damn UAVs that hunt you individually and you can't use the terrain, a vehicle or even a building to get away from (yeah the Aussies love putting vids up of them flying inside buildings).

A UAV operator can put a good sniper to shame if he zeroes in on ya.

Add in the possibility of AI directed mini UAVs that target individual soldiers and run as long as they have battery power and the future battlefield is scary (in the real sense of the word, not the over used way many use the term these days).

Add to it heavy artillery strikes that do time on target attacks and you're in a hurt locker before you even turn to attacks from bombs dropping from the sky and you can't even see the aircraft.

The people fighting this war are fighting on an even playing field.


Either we've outnumbered the enemy, out teched the enemy or had better tactics/training than the enemy.

I suddenly understand how the enemy has felt for the last 3 decades plus.

In a fight with China it would be peer vs peer.  We might out tech them in some areas and in others they'll out tech us.  We will surprise them with certain advances that are black projects and they'll do the same.

But ultimately it will be a fair fight.  I don't know how you get ready for a fair fight without understanding that you're gonna hurt, you're gonna get bloodied and if you're unlucky you're gonna get killed.

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