Saturday, July 22, 2023

You guys have to check out this Tweet. If he's even halfway right then we need to start watching the Middle East instead of Ukraine....


The US just sent additional aircraft and an MEU to the Middle East. The reason? Supposedly Iranian aggression. The Iranians HAVE BEEN active but no more than usual. So what gives? Lord Bebo has an idea (below) and if he's right we could be looking at a Ft Apache for our forces in Syria. That mission should have ended long ago, but now we might need to fight to maintain our foothold or be forced out. The enemy gets a vote and unfortunately unless we're at the top of our game they're gonna get to choose when they strike. Let me also hit you with this. I don't know where our forces are based in Syria and Iraq but do you remember the missile attack on one of our bases? Imagine a theater wide attack from Iran along with the explusion of our forces from "allied" states in the region? Utter chaos. Do we have a carrier in the region to cover our forces? Enough tankers to get USAF fighters from Europe and back (assume that Turkey will sit it out)? Forward deployment is idiotic in the extreme and puts your force at risk.

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