Sunday, August 27, 2023

Another V-22 crash. God bless the fallen. I have to ask is the airplane substandard or is it just bad luck and alot of publicity....

Another damn V-22 crash.

God bless the fallen and their families.  It has to be hard for them.

Having said that is the V-22 substandard or am I just reacting to all the planes bad publicity and a bit of bad luck.

I remember its development and I seem to recall alot of "we'll fix it once we get it" being tossed around once again by leadership.

That irks me alot more now than back in the day.  Just strikes me as being a whole lot of bad thinking.

I look at our allies and I see the Blackhawk, the Merlin and the Chinook basically doing everything the V-22 does but just a bit slower and at a lower cost.

I'm also looking at the new tilt rotor that the Army is developing and I have to wonder if the Marine Corps didn't jump the technological gun a bit.

I'm off topic.

God bless Marines and BE FUCKING CAREFUL!

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