Thursday, August 03, 2023

Apparently cruise missiles are getting thru and hitting Odesa region

Cdr Salamander made a post yesterday which hit on the number of munitions we have ready to go day one in a war. It seems like after a year of fighting Ukraine is running out of anti-air missiles. The Shahed is NOT a high tech weapon. Its not fast. It is getting thru. I have to wonder if our anti-air doctrine is jaded to the point of irrelevance. The battlefield is covered. High value targets are covered. Everything in between isn't. A big gap exists when it comes to value vs value, which we're on the losing end of. A 1/2 million dollar missile to take out a ten thousand dollar drone is terrible economics. We're back to the kill the archer thing but that means we have to kill the enemy anti-air quick.


Do we still have Wild Weasel squadrons?  If not can we reform them quickly to kill enemy anti-air so we can take out their drone launchers?  With the disaster of the Scud hunt decades ago, could we even find them quickly enough to make a difference?

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