Friday, August 25, 2023

OPEC is now part of BRIC. The petro-dollar is dead


Stupid foreign policy leads to stupid results.

This mistake is one that could have easily been avoided.  Upon entering office the Biden admin made a huge show over the slain journalist in order to do the bidding of the MSM in the US.  Our displeasure over the killing should have been handled more diplomatically.

Additionally by taking other stances against Saudi Arabia this admin has basically ripped apart the budding alliance we had against Iran.

The idiocy is strong with these people.

They lost/are losing Africa for two reasons.  The first is that all we have to offer them is military aid while China is at least giving token nods to building their economies and second we went batshit stupid over the LGBTQ++ issue.

India has always gone its own way but the fact that Brazil joined the club should have been a flashing red light of doom for the entire country, not just the foreign policy wonks.

We fucked up and now we're faced with a chilling almost mind boggling situation.

Most of the world....not the West but the uniting and we're not invited to the party.

Next thing to keep an eye on and if you see then its lights out we're uber fucked?

If they're able to rope in a few Asian nations.

For now?  The petro-dollar is dead.  A basket of currencies is on the table.  Which leads to the next unintended consequence.  In order to get continued buy in to the dollar we will have to create instability in the world.  Wars, revolutions and coups will be how we get funding to buy our debt.

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