Friday, August 04, 2023

Videos of testing of the “NURSE” logistics platform


Ukraine has me puzzled. I saw a vid showing the "two" Ukraines. One showed images of women twerking in a club and the other showed dudes on the battlefield hoping for another sunrise. I don't get it. At this point in the war I would think that we would see a full civilian/military mobilization for war. Of course you're always gonna have a party scene but when you're conscripted 60 year olds and mentally retarded to feed the meat grinder I would think that the "party" would be alot more muted. This brings me to the defense sector. The above vid is work that is being done by a Ukrainian company. Ok. But why aren't they working on stuff that can be used NOW in this war and not aimed at keeping up with foreign markets. If you're building unmanned ground vehicles then you have the tooling to repair vehicles that have been busted up. I have a problem with the prioritization I'm seeing.

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