Thursday, September 07, 2023

Claire Daily just became a hero and asks an important question. Why is calling for peace so repugnant to the powers that be with regard to Ukraine?


I never thought that the idea of a cease fire or peace talks would be considered morally reprehensible to anyone but in this brutal war it is. Oh and its not the guys caught up in the meat grinder that are saying more, more, more, no its the people in the cheap seats. The people that are safe at home while other people are doing the hard thing. I don't get it but we're here. Stoltenberg is a clown. The guy sitting besides him laughs like a fucking hyena with that old punch line of Russia being the second strongest Army in Ukraine. NEVER ONCE did he address anything Daily said. All he hit her with is memes. We're being led by idiots. No. Its worse than that. We're led by a whole legion of betas that are trying to be hard thru the suffering of others. I despise them all.

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