Tuesday, September 05, 2023

If they try to shut down everything again because of covid it'll wreck our children, our economy and many of the weak in our society

 I hope to God they don't try it again but I fear that they will.

If they shut everything down again because of covid then it'll wreck our children, our economy and many of the weak in our society.

I don't know if foreigners realize what a knife edge our society is on right now. 

The divisions are real.  The frustration at what's going on is mounting.  People are tired of the foolishness.

If they attempt to shut things down it will lead to a situation that literally scares the shit outta me.  I'm talking about MASSIVE civil disobedience and I really believe that the politicians that push it will be seriously targeted by radical portions of our society.

Things could get real dicey.  So dicey that the National Guard won't be enough in some areas.

I hope they're smart enough to realize this but confidence is not high.

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