Friday, September 01, 2023

The Biden Administration continues to quietly supply Ukraine with aid...MSM ignores it...

I consider the aid packages and the timing of them to be the best indicator of how this war is going. When we see a glut of aid headed to Ukraine then we know things aren't going well. Guess what. We're seeing a glut of aid headed there. I keep hearing clowns on this page talk about how this is such a great investment. IT IS NOT a great investment if you're putting the security of the US at risk for Ukraine. Alot of foreign readers in the EU are pushing the meme too. Well guess what sports fans! The munitions, vehicles, and other stockpiles that are being rushed to Ukraine will mean that when you start ill advised adventures in Africa to restore your puppet regimes then you won't have the US to draw support for. Libya kicked European ass with regard to munitions. You make a run at the countries that have kicked you out recently and its gonna be worse. Long story short? Ukraine is not worth the treasure that we've wasted on them. We have issues in the US that need our focused attention.

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