Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Senate confirmed a few members of the JCS. The vote count on one of the nominees is "interesting"

 via Defense News

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., this week held a series of votes to confirm Gen. CQ Brown as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by an 83-11 vote, Gen. Randy George as Army chief of staff in a 96-1 vote, and Gen. Eric Smith as Marine Corps commandant with a 96-0 vote.


I consider the whole thing about the Senate nominating process turning into a flashpoint and dangerous to national security as comedy on steroids.

Nothing dangerous about letting these dudes perform their duties in an acting role.  If something kicked off they would get the damn thing done regardless and the Senate would let us know that they had done a telephone call vote or some other nonsense to justify it.

But the vote for the Chairman.

That's interesting.

Well the entire thing is interesting.

94 total voted for the Chairman with 11 voting no.  I wonder what the objections were.  I know he was accused of being woke so is that continuing backlash over the BLM comments he made?

The Army Chief vote is curious too.  Who voted against him and why?  From my chair the guy has played it in typical general officer fashion.  Talking in politician speak, pissing off no one and general speaking in a bunch of carefully phrased generalities to be as dull and boring as possible.

Onto Smith and the Marine Corps.  No votes against?  Is this another example of the institutional power of the Corps?

If it is then the boosters of Force Design 2030 better pray to God they got it right and the one region/one fight plan is golden.

If it ain't and a fight happens elsewhere and Marines ain't involved then they will be the designers of the ruined rep of the Corps.

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