Thursday, September 07, 2023

The US, Japan, S. Korea, Australia and maybe even Singapore will be tracking this N. Korean sub....maybe all at the sametime....

Whoever crews and skippers this N. Korean sub better be true believers. If they're ever sent on a wartime mission and open ANY of the doors on this sub they'll hear incoming torpedoes probably from attack subs from every nation in the title, not to include air assets. They will be on a true suicide mission. The terrible thing is that its probably gonna be noisey and easily tracked too. From what I gather from the naval guys is that this is old tech.

The problem for all of the above is that BRICS is turning into an economic AS WELL AS a quasi military alliance.

Which means that the more ammo they send to Russia the more tech they'll get which will help the Chinese because the N. Koreans become the wild card, the Chinese become the mediators and lion tamers to keep the Norks under control and our allies in the Pacific have a wild card to worry about instead of the big bad Chinese.

Oh and if you didn't notice, the Saudis are cutting oil production which is already causing diesel prices to spike which means consumer prices will spike which will put a potential recession back on the table for the American people.

BRICS is a threat.  Policy makers should have taken it seriously.

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