Thursday, October 12, 2023

Biden confirms the fact that HAMAS was indeed beheading children.


All the HAMAS supporters keep making excuses. You're cheering for disgusting, subhumans. The only cure for these animals is death. Its just that simple. I do not understand why modern man insists on making the simple complex. If you see evil, it must be confronted and eradicated. You cannot negotiate with savagery. What I find so stunning is how similar this shit is to what you see in criminals. By that I mean the showing of two faces. On the streets/jail you see the true face. That's what the civilians in Israel saw. They saw the true face. In court when it comes time for them to deal with the consequences of their actions then you see choir boys that wouldn't hurt a soul or had "reasons" for what they did. That's what you're seeing in the apologists worldwide for HAMAS now. They kill and rape and behead women and children but when it comes time for them to get their full portion of consequences they show a different face and hide BEHIND THEIR WOMEN AND CHILDREN and then demand sympathy. Just like the criminals, you say "sorry mom, but your son fucked up and he's gonna be gone till after you're dead". To these bastards the refrain should be you can't hide. You can't run. Ya just got to take your issue.

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