Thursday, October 05, 2023

Good shoot but still bad...


The guy that posted this covered most of it. Presence is your first defensive tactic. In the academy its stressed that a proper appearance is essential. You don't have to be the incredible hulk but you've at least got to look professional. Read that to mean capable of handling business. So onto the topic. Where did this deputy go wrong (and I'm just going from the vid and don't know the background so this is real clownshow analysis...none of us were there so none of will know...even if we get ahold of the reports)? In my list this deputy was just plain fat. I don't think he even considered using any empty hand techniques or baton strikes to neutralize this guy. We don't know if he had a taser/pepper spray but those are known to fail so we'll just roll on. He appeared to be retreating without having any view of the ground behind me. Hopefully he had good situational awareness and knew that they were no trip or fall hazards but this guy is obviously mentally trashed. If he tripped, fell and lost control of the weapon this could have turned out badly for him. Unlike the guy that posted this I have no problem with the one handed shooting. My assumption is that he was using his non-gun hand to block the blows from the stick. Its 2023. You know the job is at least hazardous if not outright dangerous. You gotta take time to stay in shape. Its a must.

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