Sunday, October 08, 2023

Hezbollah is beginning to lob rockets into Israel. A two front war?


If Hezbollah gets fully involved. IF the Arab nations stay on the sidelines but FUND Hamas and Hezbollah AND Iran so that they can get a steady supply of munitions into the fight, then this could turn into a war of survival for Israel. Cocaine is a helluva drug. The lust for peace is even stronger. 

I'm fully convinced that the Israelis believed that they were on the verge of solving all of their problems (at least in the short term) with the moderate messaging coming from the Arab states.

I don't know if we saw an intel failure or a decision made to NOT disturb the process by launching pre-emptive strikes on Gaza to disrupt this thing. 

I REFUSE TO BELIEVE that the world's intel services failed to note the massive buildup and even assembly of forces that launched these attacks yesterday. Ignored them? Yes. Paralyzed by analysis? Yes. Paralyzed by lack of decisiveness by policy makers? Yes. Missed something this fucking big? Not for one minute.

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