Tuesday, October 17, 2023

IDF's Special Tactics Rescue Unit 669 has been doing serious work in the background...


Note. I guess the closest thing the US has to this is the ParaRescue guys. From Unit 669's Wiki page I gather that the main difference they have from American Special Ops units is that they carry along dedicated doctors and nurses specializing in trauma treatment. Special Ops Teams in general run with highly trained medics/Corpsmen that have superior medical training to their fellows (the only exception I know of is Special Forces Medics that do a tour in big city ERs treating gunshot/knife wounds and serious traffic accidents...they are/were assigned to designated trauma hospital in the area assigned...I would deem them a step ahead of say a Ranger/MARSOC/SEAL medic/Corpsmen). Would it make sense for the USAF/Navy to establish a dedicated deep penetration rescue force along the lines of the Jolly Green Giants of Vietnam fame? They used HH-3's for rescue and A-1's as escorts. The modern equivalent would be the CV-22 and A-10s??? But does a dedicated unit make sense for the US?

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