Tuesday, October 03, 2023

In any physical confrontation you must assume the worst...

Heart goes out to the victim here. So many mistakes made but the biggest is that he had or should have assumed (especially in New York) that (1) He was dealing with a mentally ill person (2) that this mentally ill person was likely armed with some type of weapon and (3) that this mentally ill person would make any excuse to escalate this incident and make it a fight for his very life instead of some type of misunderstanding. You can't reason with crazy. You can't take crazy lightly. You have to assume that most of the public is on some type of illegal (highly likely) or legal (possibly) drugs that will be used to excuse idiot type behavior. Normal is walking your girl back to her place after a wedding and expecting everything to go fine. It's 2023. Nothing is normal. Get a gun. Get good with it. Carry it always.

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