Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Israel is willing to delay a ground operation in Gaza for a few days to allow talks on releasing a large number of the hostages Hamas is holding...Bullshit! They waited too long!


A perfect decision made too late is still a bad decision.

The IDF failed again.  Well the IDF and their political masters.

IF the IDF had rolled in once its forces were assembled then HAMAS would still be reeling.  They were being eliminated from the battlefield via air strikes at an awesome rate.

The world media was still in a bit of shock over the attack and had yet to start drumming up support for Hamas.  The talking points hadn't gone out and sympathy was with the Israelis.


Now you have the equivalency game going on.  We see it on this blog.

Subhuman animals raping, torturing, murdering & rampaging throughout the Israel countryside are being applauded by the idiots in the West.


Once this is over the IDF will be purged and leadership will be held accountable.  The bloodletting on the political side will shake Israeli politics for at least a decade.

A re-militarized Israel is certain, but at the same time terrorists have been emboldened (looking at you Biden admin, your weak - pussy ass response to strikes on our forces almost guarantees more of the same in theater and maybe inside our homeland).

Those so desperate for peace now have just set the stage for a MUCH MUCH MUCH bigger fight in the near future.

Shits about to get real for all of us.  I give it two years max.

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