Sunday, October 08, 2023

Israeli cabinet ratifies state of war. Pulverizing Gaza has now been legalized


A reader stated that we should separate the Palestinian people from Hamas. I get that. But if we do that then why don't we separate the Israeli people from the Israeli govt? It should be obvious that we can't. For better or worse the people of a nation (or entity) are tied to their leadership whether they agree with their policies or not. Its the same in the US and its the same over there.

Back on task.

The cabinet ratified the state of war.

This thing has been "legalized".  They've dotted the i's and crossed the t's to this mess.

This thing is gonna be horrific on a number of levels.  Oh and I've read reports that the Quds Force is operating on the line and inside Israel.

Those evil bastards will slaughter with glee anyone they come across.  With those fuckers you either kill them or die fighting them but you damn sure don't let them capture you.

This drama is gonna shock the world.  The terrible thing is that the US or anyone else doesn't have anything to send.  They went full tilt on supplying Ukraine.  The shelves are bare and our only ally in the Middle East is in need.

Sidenote.  After this is all over Israel is gonna be absolutely FERAL in how they deal with their enemies.  We're gonna see a return to the attitudes at the start of their nation.

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