Monday, October 16, 2023

Marine Expeditionary Unit enroute to waters off Israel...what is the mission? To sense and make sense?

What capability does the MEU bring to this potential fight? Its as light as the 82nd and they can send the "Division Ready Brigade" to theater pretty damn quick. They don't have any armor....JLTVs are about as heavy as they get for combat vehicles (do they still have LAVs?) and MTVRs are just big fat targets that can carry Marines (and their body bags if used in any hypothetical combat role) to drop off points hopefully without getting shot up.

I'm just not sure what "resolve" this is showing.  If you ordered an Air Force Expeditionary Air Wing to spool up then that would get my attention but this seems to be just a bit of grandstanding.

Want to know the difference between the "legacy" MEU and the "Berger" MEU?

The legacy could at least show a bit of combat power.  This one can only observe for the rest of the joint force.  In other words just send some UAVs and move some sats and you get the same capability but cheaper.

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