Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Question of the day. In order to defeat monsters must you become a monster?

Sometimes ya got to cut thru the bullshit to get to the truth. This is one of those times. Quite honestly its been one of those times for the past 20 years. 

The question is simple and stark. 

In order to defeat monsters must you become a monster?

The answer is YES you must become a monster!  A controlled monster.  A monster with an off switch but you must get medieval.

For as long as I've been alive we've attempted to deal with monsters domestically and internationally with gentleness.  We've pushed 'rules' of war.  What idiocy.

The enemy never fights by the rules and for the longest time we have had no real END to wars just momentary pauses because we refuse to do the hard thing and actually win the damn thing.

Its always civilian considerations.  Its always about humanitarian shit.  Its never about winning so we don't have to repeat the same shit in the same location about once every couple of years.

In short our humanity.  Our civilization.  Our lust for peace at any cost is hurting us.

Sometimes you just do the hard thing, ignore the lawyers that tend to muck up everything from actual combat to taking a shit and just get it done.

Apply all of the above to current situations both here and across the globe.  From rampant crime to a wide open border to the war in Israel.

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