Sunday, October 08, 2023

Sunday Question. Should we consider Hamas to have morphed into a nation state armed force (plus a sidenote)?

 We all saw the reports of the massive attacks carried out against Israel by Hamas yesterday.

Everyone lists them as simply another terrorist force.

Is that accurate or do we need to rethink our think about how we view them.

The attack was too broad, to well organized and planned.  It has the hallmarks of being a real deal conventional force built around light infantry but larger than I ever knew and having various units that have specialized tasks almost border on Special Ops with the added benefit (or idiocy) of conducting suicide runs.

Should Israel and the US consider them to be a nation state armed force now?

Sidenote.  If the EU hasn't placed the internal security forces of every member nation on alert, tried to get out from behind the curve on intel and started monitoring some its recent arrivals then we might see horrific events spread to Europe.  Most on this blog go crazy over Russia/Ukraine but THIS CONFLICT could cost lives if the planning included HAMAS and its sympathizers going after targets in the EU.

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