Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The terrorist have to be killed but I'm tired of the cheerleaders that act as if this is nothing...

 As expected the Pentagon can focus on just China but the rest of the world gets a vote.

Do I believe we have a dog in this fight?  FUCK NO!  This thing has been raging since the time when Jesus walked the earth.  We ain't solving it and if you believe any parts of the Holy Bible then you gotta think that we're seeing ANOTHER fight over the ground where the real big one will take place.

But back on task.

Where are my door kickers at?

Where are the guys that jumped from planes, swam up to shore from the depths and did those rappels from 120ft up?

To the rest of you I have one simple question.  Have you stood on the outside of a door, knew you had to go thru it (or blast a spider hole) and KNEW there were bad guys on the otherside that wanted to smash you as soon as they saw a hand, boot or even rifle barrel peeking around?

I hear all these policy makers.  All these average citizens.  All these fucking "experts" talk about what is coming next.  Talking about how WE are gonna carry the fight to the enemy.


Its gonna be some bubba on the ground that is gonna do the hard thing.  

Just like in Ukraine with so many cheering from the sidelines and not making entries you have these people talking shit from the safety of their couch.

Fuck them all.

Am I saying that you can let this stand?  Hell no.  I saw the same vids that you did.  I saw the rapes, the parading of nude captives thru the streets, the children in cages....I saw it all.

These fuckers need to be eradicated.

But alot of people are gonna die that are innocent.

Lastly, I've been thinking and a few readers have posted about how inexplicable this intel failure was.

I agree.

Something is VERY OFF here.  We have full eyes on this shit.  The Israelis definitely do too.

I can't shake the feeling that we're all being played to the max on this thing but can't point to anything in particular.

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