Monday, October 23, 2023

The US is delaying the assault on Gaza. WHY! They're just making it worse for the guys that have to dig out the subhumans....

Maybe ya'll can help me with this.

The US is delaying the assault on Gaza.


They're making this thing harder for the guys that actually have to go in and dig out these animals!

You want to talk about 360 degree fire?  It'll be that on steroids.  They'll have people sleeping in rubble, waiting for IDF units to pass them and then they'll hit them from behind.

Some jackasses will be popping up from  underground while you have heavy guns fighting from upper floors of buildings.

The longer they delay the assault the tougher it will be.  The forces have been amassed for almost a month.  

The delay has been from the start.

A tough fight will not turn into breaching the gates of hell.

Sorry but I'm calling it.  The IDF can't go under these conditions. The US policy makers have made it damn near impossible and set the stage for a round 2 that they won't have control over.

Either Hamas turns into an international villain with no support from major countries or it will be a fight in maybe a couple of years that no one can control, that will definitely spiral into a HUGE regional war.  

The only bright spot is for Neo-Cons & Globalist.  Round 2 of this war will give them a chance to go after Iran.  Not to stop its nuclear program but to topple the govt and open up markets to Western corporations.

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