Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The US told the IDF to delay its assault into Gaza for first, humanitarian reasons, second to get hostages out and now? Now its because they won't achieve their goals!

Its quite obvious that the Hamas wing of the US State Dept has carried the day with the White House. Those arrogant and pussified bastards will go down in history as causing the biggest, most destructive regional war in modern history because of their actions today. Biden will challenge a few others as the worst president we've ever had. Congrats big guy. SIdenote. We've been led by a procession of dreamers with only the Trump admin being led by realists. I don't know what historians will cause this era of American history but this series of President's (with the exception of Trump who they hounded relentlessly) can take credit for the decline of US power worldwide. From Carter to Bush Jr (where it accelerated) and onto Biden, we've been led by procession of fools...but we get what we deserve...correction, the big city idiots doom us all because they're batshit crazy enough to vote for this stupidity.

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