Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Ukraine just claimed their first political victim

 McCarthy is out.

I consider him the first victim of the Ukrainian War and in particular all the damn begging that Zelensky has been doing.

Don't get me wrong.  There is a bunch of bad blood flowing in the background...a whole lot of hate and grudges that we'll never hear about but the upshot is that funding Ukraine while we have open borders is the excuse being given.

Oh and don't for ONE MINUTE doubt the claim that Biden struck a backroom deal on aid to Ukraine.  I'm sure McCarthy has done that.

All that's in jeopardy now.

My hope?

I hope govt is stalled out.  In our system of govt if we don't agree then little outside of funding current priorities is how things are suppose to  go.  Executive orders?  Invented out of whole cloth. Combining budget bills?  Invented to help Congress Critters avoid doing their damn jobs.

McCarthy was a creature of the swamp.  He was working hand in glove with the traitorous Republican Senators (mostly) and had the stink of Liz Cheney bubbling up all around him.

Good riddance.

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