Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Ukrainian female soldier that belongs to a brigade that was redeployed to Avdeyevka


Thanks to S300V4 for the link!

HMMM. If this is real I wonder what her assignment is in that battalion. She seems awfully clean to have been near the frontline. Awfully clean if she served in a medical role. She's wearing a plate carrier with what appears to be M4 mags so I haven't a clue. No tears but appears to be emotionally distraught. Teared out and on the verge of an emotional breakdown? Again I don't know. I do know that while all eyes have been on the Middle East the Russians have launched a counteroffensive.

That kinda brings up an unfortunate possibility.  

Could all of this have been coordinated?  Now THAT would be troubling on a number of levels.

Why?  Because we've demonstrated that we have intel that indicates future Russian actions.  Either they've plugged the holes in their electronic communications, have killed our moles/agents or both.

If they HAVEN'T done any of the above and it IS coordinated then we knew of the attack in Israel BEFORE it happened.

I don't know either way.  Just spitballing here.

I won't be alive to read it but the after action/history of both these conflicts will make for some fascinating reading for some young Marine in the future.

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