Wednesday, October 04, 2023

We could have killed them in their crib. We didn't. Now? We either fight them NOW or fix ourselves and accept some L's till we're ready for the big one...

We missed our chance. We could have killed them in their crib but we didn't. We were greedy or rather our corporations were greedy and our idiot President's thought that we could exploit them like we've exploited others. Those days are over. Now? We either fight them NOW! TONIGHT! Next week, but soon or we decide to fix ourselves, get our home industry up to speed, stop playing whack-a-mole all over the world, take care of our borders, infrastructure, crumbling morality and accept the fact that we're gonna take more global L's while we're getting ready for the big one. Ya know the fight to decide which nation will dominate going into the future. Our globalist fucked up and totally have misplayed our hands for the past 50 years. We squandered ourselves on idiocy and acted like we were promoting democracy. Even I once believed that shit.

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