Thursday, October 19, 2023

Who are these people and how can they protest at the drop of hats?

 Watched the protests at our capitol yesterday and something occurred to me.

Who are these people?

How are they able to protest at the drop of a hat?

How are they living that they can afford to take time off work and go protest?

Something is waaay off with this.  Some have said that they're simply actors and this is part of their jobs.  Some have said that they're students and they're encouraged to do this as part of their grades in school for social activism.

Either way it makes no sense to me.

Too many are involved in it, too many seem sold on it and I can't imagine any lifestyle that would support it.

So I go back to the beginning with a twist.

Who are these people, who's paying them to cause this mayhem and why aren't they being sued for any property damage/injuries etc...

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