Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Things are not looking good for Ukraine in 2024 (read the entire post)

Medical officer reveals Covid Vaccine related HEART ISSUES skyrocketing in active duty Naval Aviators


Open Comment Post. 28 Nov 23


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Looks like SOCOM recaptured the ship seized by Houthi forces...

Saturday, November 25, 2023

"You sit in that hole and pray for the 35th time that day you don't die"

Modern warfare is gonna be hell for the infantry...hell, its gonna be hell for anyone near it. It seems like the only way to have a chance of survival is to be called up when its winding down. There are just too many ways to die with an equal tech force. Naval combat is gonna be even worse. The armoring on modern ships is pathetic. You get hit in this era and you're shark food, with little chance of rescue.

"The day before liberation May 7, 1945 - Shooting on Dam Square - A mother is shot dead behind the carriage of her child - Child is unharmed" Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

America 2023. Do we even deserve to continue?

This is about gentle as I could get to show how absolutely fucked up our cities are. I could show you madness that rivals the stupidity we see in the Middle East. I could show you the insanity of the plague that is rushing in from the south. I could show you the pathetic bastards that are "running" our country. But this will do instead. Harmless? Still batshit crazy to me. The only thing I can wonder is if we're not as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah, and God microfragmented those bitches, then how bad were those freaks?

Open Comment Post. 25 Nov 23

Oh you have to check out this post. Dude wants to put Turkey on the target list!

The linkage is using to wave the China flag. I'm really beginning to wonder if they're a threat or just doing what we've done? Additionally this does not pass the smell test. You have the Turk President saying what every other leader in the Middle East and in other parts of the world is saying. You can't put the whole world on the list can you? Ordinarily I'd just think that this is the ramblings of another dude like me...an average joe with an opinion. His working at the Hudson Institute makes me believe that this might be a trial balloon. One thing he does have right. We need to get our troops and nukes out of Turkey. The need for that base has long passed and since everyone has expeditionary in their name then we need to get on our horse and ride out of there.

Portrait of American tanker Sgt. John Parks, 4th Armored Division

Tragic story shared by a defender of Avdiivka

This story is off to me.

SkyNews host is obviously in the pocket of the Hamas terror group

Yeah. The body language says it all. Might as well get fitted for her hajib now.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Maybe ya'll should wear your Carhartt Vests more often...

I think I’ll wear my Carhartt vest more often.
byu/Ser-Jorah-Mormont inTikTokCringe
Not my style but I know many that do. If you're one of those guys then you should wear it more often apparently!

According to Zelensky's Deputy the war could have been over if Ukraine had accepted neutrality...

This explains Boris Johnson's rushed trips to Ukraine. These people really think they're shapers of the world. How arrogant is that!

Force Design 2030 zealots better factor in the idea that Chinese Marines are gonna be conducting assaults against them...

One force design zealot said "I got skin in the game so this is how we're gonna go". I hope that son of a bitch has a few spare body bags and he carries an extra for himself. The Littoral Regiment can't stand up to this. They're gonna get mauled and be at the mercy of an enemy force. Its weird. These fools have dismantled a war winning capability, declared it no longer fashionable, decided that they want to be sailors (although the Navy doesn't appear to give a fuck about recon/counter recon from a fucking beach) and want us to believe that its still capable of offensive action. Meanwhile the Chinese have picked up what we discarded and are gonna evolve it into the monster it is. Mark my words. Historians will look back at this time in the Marine Corps as a low point. The ethos was lost and the USMC became just like every other govt agency. Ineffective/inefficient.

Open Comment Post. 24 Nov 23

Hostage exchange has begun. I hope the IDF has them chipped to track their movements and re-capture/kill later!


Wow. Trading straight up criminal scum for an innocent child. The Middle East is fucked. Anyway I hope they have this chic chipped/bio-tagged whatever you call it so they can track her movements and re-capture/kill later.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Where do ya'll think we are with the two wars?

 Hope ya had a good thanksgiving.  Back to talking about our fucked up world.  Where do ya'll think we are with the two wars?


On this one I think we're gonna have a bad winter, restocking mostly on the Russian side (the allies appear tapped out) and some serious soul searching on the Ukrainian side.

Zelensky has gone thru the male generation and they're using women on the frontlines now.  There will probably be some savagery going on but it'll never hit our airwaves because it would conflict with the narrative going on in the West.

Ukraine is supposedly having elections in 2024 so we'll probably see a last gasp effort to bolster Zelensky's chances and to try and eek out a bit more funding but it's all but over for that ... at least from the US.

I'm guessing we'll see peace talks by summer of 2024 at the latest. Biden wants this war off the table as soon as possible.  One last thing.  The Republicans and Democrats supposedly disagree on everything yet on this issue the Republican Party is going against the will of its voters and pushing for more spending.


This one can go any number of ways and I really don't have any idea.  I'm hoping that the hostage exchange will morph into a general ceasefire with the fight going behind the scenes but I doubt it.  The IDF have their fangs dug into the floorboards and they're gonna get who they're chasing.

Hamas had ramped up its propaganda and has the usual idiots doing its bidding in the west.  They fucked up though.  The terror attacks in Dublin will shock the peaceniks (cause they ain't shit in a fight and need the people they consider goons and barbarians to do it for them) and will harden the general publics views on not only immigration but also Islam especially in Europe.

Have you seen the rioting?  Europe is a powder keg and one more assault will see the Europeans getting down right brutal. Alot of innocent Muslims will get caught up in it.  I don't think the govt security forces will be able to contain that anger.

Back on task.  If we're lucky this will wind down soon.  If not we could see a regional war.  I just don't know.

Nov 23. Just Pics 4

Nov 23. Just Pics 3

Nov 23. Just Pics 2

Nov 23. Just Pics 1

Do we have a cat?

Happy Thanksgiving folks....


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The IDF finally got smart and followed a reader's recommendation. They're filling the tunnels with sea water!

About time they did this. Sadly though it confirms what I thought all along. The hostages are either dead or will be soon. Netanyahu will give lip service to getting them back but everyone knows but refuses to say the obvious. For the hostages death will probably be a mercy. Regardless its just been a talking point to placate the masses. Any hostage rescue would have resulted in 100% casualties with probably at LEAST 50% dead of the attacking force. Like I said. The hostages, if they were alive would have been insta killed once they knew the attack was coming.

But lets' be honest.

All this shit is a sideshow.  

The real action will come a bit after this public fight is over.

It will go to the shadows and the IDF's Special Ops/Mossad will cross borders to kill Hamas leaders.  They'll run to Iran which will set the stage for the big dust up in the Middle East.  Harboring terrorist and nukes?

That shit is tailor made to basically PUSH the public into supporting "getting them before they get us".

It's a Late Open Comments Post. 22 Nov 23

That ain't no Vehicle Borne IED. That's just a bad car crash...

Don't know what's going on with this but this is just a bad car crash. Wonder why they even thought about a freaking VBIED?

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

I wonder what terrible news is about to come out on Qatar for this type of pre-emptive news story to be leaked to the press....


Sorry not sorry. When ever you see a pre-emptive positive news story like this one its designed to protect the "hero". I wonder what terrible news we're about to hear about Qatar that isn't widely known yet. Could it be that several Hamas leaders are living in the lap of luxury spending most of the aid money sent to support the Palestinian people? Could it be that Qatar is the "new" Saudi Arabia and in some way supported the terror attack? I have no idea. All of the above is just speculation but you can bet body parts you highly value that they did something.

Gun control is hopeless. Too many weapons in civilian hands in the US & if the Burmese rebels are to be the guide then 3d printing has made it impossible...

Its impossible to control guns now. I wondered why some Congress Critters had switched to going after ammo and this is why. I only have about 2k rounds of 9mm and 1k of 5.56 on hand. Need to get back in the practice of using the little ad money from this blog, a couple hundred from every paycheck and every extra duty work coming my way to get those numbers up big. I'm just glad I standardized all my weapons to either 9 or 5.56.

What's the right number?  Don't know but refer to this story & add multiple attackers to it and you do the math for your "stockpile".

The booby traps in Vietnam were next level brutal.

Those are brutal plus they dipped them in shit to make sure you got a wicked infection IF you survived? Brutal just don't properly describe it. Ya know what annoys me. No one has properly captured in a movie just how fucked up those things were.

The suspect chose poorly

If this is true then the US Army is fucked up beyond recognition....

Apache Hero-120

Rheinmetall‘s Lynx demonstrates killer-killer capability

Tests of the Kazakh BKM “BARYS 8x8 via @AndreiBtvt

I will burn their city to the ground....It's hunting season in Gaza....

Ya got to luv a moto speech before you do the hard thing. It's shit talking but you luv it anyway....

Open Comment Post. 21 Nov 23

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Argentina's new president doesn't stand a chance. The powers that be will kill him

I luv it. I wonder how much money he will save with those moves. The powers that be won't allow it though. No one remembers that we've seen an invasion of Brits with liberal ideas into our news media, entertainment etc....the same with their politicians. This dude is awesome but he's a walking dead man. It's gonna be great while it lasts though. If he's too popular and powerful then he'll get the Trump treatment. They'll beat him with a few handpicked judges.

Marines 1, Thugs 0 --- Texas State Troopers for the win!

The Marines tried to defuse the situation. One Marine can definitely take a punch! Where those Texas State Trooper came from I don't know but they came in force. Oh and for those that don't know. Marines in dress blues are ALWAYS gonna get the benefit of the doubt. Cops and Marines go together like Coke and Jack Daniels.

This pic has been bugging me. Do AH-64's do rolling take offs?

This pic has been bugging me. Do Apaches do rolling takeoffs? If they do then why? Does it help with carrying heavier loads? If so then why isn't the tail wheel/strut taller? To get a better angle for the blades to bite into the air?

Late Open Comment Post. 19 Nov 23

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Israel and Hamas considering 5-day ceasefire

Hmm. The IDF must be thinking of calling it a day. A ceasefire of this duration would allow Hamas to reorganize and re-equip its fighters. If they continued ops it would make it much tougher and take a toll on the troops in the form of blood. Don't ignore many in the opposition party calling for Netanyahu to step down but for his party to continue to lead as part of this equation. This has been horrific for both sides, but the fight after the fight to place the blame will be stunning for a all. The afteraction and full airing of mistakes made will shock us all I'm sure.

Friday, November 17, 2023

America Is a Heartbeat Away From a War It Could Lose

 via Foreign Policy

The worst-case scenario is an escalating war in at least three far-flung theaters, fought by a thinly stretched U.S. military alongside ill-equipped allies that are mostly unable to defend themselves against large industrial powers with the resolve, resources, and ruthlessness to sustain a long conflict. Waging this fight would require a scale of national unity, resource mobilization, and willingness to sacrifice that Americans and their allies have not seen in generations.


 Assuming a rate of expansion similar to that of World War II, it’s not unreasonable to expect that the debt could swell to 200 percent of GDP or higher. As the Congressional Budget Office and other sources have noted, debt loads on that scale would risk catastrophic consequences for the U.S. economy and financial system.

A global conflict would bring on other perils. Two U.S. rivals—Russia and Iran—are major oil producers. One recent report found that a prolonged closure of the Hormuz Strait amid a broader Middle Eastern conflict could push oil prices beyond $100 per barrel, substantially increasing inflationary pressures. China is a major holder of U.S. debt, and a sustained sell-off by Beijing could drive up yields in U.S. bonds and place further strains on the economy. It’s reasonable to assume that Americans would face shortages in everything from electronics to home-building materials.

All of that pales alongside the human costs that the United States could suffer in a global conflict. Large numbers of U.S. service members would likely die. Some of the United States’ adversaries have conventional and nuclear capabilities that can reach the U.S. homeland; others have the ability to inspire or direct Hamas-style terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, which may be easier to carry out given the porous state of the U.S. southern border.


Boys and girls the bad news is easy to see.  To state it plainly?  We're totally defensive, in a hurt locker and need to save the empire.

How do we do that? We get brutally honest.

Deterrence as a concept has been a sad joke.  It's so damn feminine and weak that I'm personally surprised that it was even proposed.  Who cares if someone pumps out their chest.  If the fight is on the fight is on!  You're gonna get punched in the face no matter how much you huff and puff.  That's just life.

We're too spread out with too many commitments.  Time to bring the troops home from every frontier and concentrate on what's actually in our national interest.  

Our allies have to do their part.  If they don't take their own defense seriously then neither should we.  The free ride is over.  Time for our so called allies to step the fuck up.

Take an L in places that aren't worth the struggle.  This is probably the hardest for the globalist, neo-cons and new world order freaks.  If you defend everywhere you defend nowhere. Time to cut bait while we can, otherwise the boat gets pulled under.

The empire can endure but we've got to get smart, honest and accept our limitations.  If not our limitations will be put on full display for everyone to see.

Open Comment Post. 17 Nov 23


The letter is disgusting but the idea of deleting it and banning people that posted it is truly scary


Things are past bad in the US. We actually have open censoring of opinion. I think the letter to America is disgusting. I think Bin Laden was a homicidal maniac and I think the SEALs that iced his ass are to be applauded (Admiral McRaven with his bullshit afterwards was a disgrace though).

But the idea that a few Congress Critters have the power to make a major tech corporation, foreign owned or not, take down a post made by a US citizen is crazy.

This shit is Orwellian.

I don't even like the post but I can clearly see the ramifications of what this means.

The disinformation campaigns by the US govt and media are all programing for shit like this.

I'm a fucking adult.  I decide what information is "real" to me and what I deem bullshit.  Children get censored, not adults, not in a free country.

All of which leads to the real question.  Are we really free anymore or is it just an illusion?

The United States and its allies need to say goodbye to the “magical belief” in Russian defeat in Ukraine

How about we just fully integrate Russia with the West so we don't have to play these games. We could replace Russian labor and resources with those of China and gain a nation ready to be a part of the global economy.

This is my view of things.

Russia has always just wanted a seat at the table.  China wants to sit at the head of the table.

China has people.  Russia has natural resources.

Russia is a natural enemy of China and a natural ally of Europe.

Culturally Russia will not fit with the West (meaning the social shit...can't blame them) but they WILL fit economically.

It would be slow.  It will be a grind.  There will be mis-steps and trust will take a while to be established but I believe it can be done.

Things were alot different 3 years ago...how could stuff go south so fast?


Rapid change requires chaos so change-agents invent chaos to allow the change they want. This shit has all been manufactured.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Women in combat. Sucks to me but I'm old fashioned. Obviously the Ukrainians aren't...the vids are coming out of them dying in their fighting positions...

Yeah I know. I'm old fashioned but I absolutely hate this shit.

Yeah I know that women protested for this shit and this is what they wanted.

Still fucking hate it.

To me this is some of the most uncivilized shit any nation can do.  I'm for women defending themselves but to ask them to go out and defend the nation is a task that I BELIEVE (and yes I know I'm in a minority on this) is reserved for the men folk.

Throw your rocks.  I'll happily accept them on this subject, but I'm not changing.  Now get off my fucking lawn.

Ukraine to be first user of Rheinmetall's Caracal airmobile platform.

The real question is why? Ukraine hasn't conducted any air operations since the start of this war and I hardly see them doing it now. My guess is that they'll probably try it as a raid vehicle but in that role, in this conflict, they'd probably be better off using an MRAP or one of the 8 wheeled APC/IFVs they've received.

France's 17th Parachute Regiment running their new internally carried utility vehicle...


Has modern warfare thrown out the iron triangle and we're now in a place where firepower (payload) and mobility are now the main focus?

Are we at a point where payloads totally trump platform? By that I mean that a good, serviceable 4x4 that is easily transported, amphibious and can mount any weapon system is now the sweet spot of armored vehicles?  

Look at the Flyer! It was only an internally carried vehicle and now its morphing into a long range patrol, anti-drone, anti-tank, a basically do it all for SOCOM! 

Has modern warfare thrown out the iron triangle and we're now in a place where firepower (payload) and mobility are now the main focus?


The Israeli Prime Minister and IDF Chief of Staff are gonna have to answer for the lack of readiness on Oct 7.


Have any of you seen the entire sequence of events with this?

I have and it was ugly (unless you're a Hamas supporter and you fucks probably cheered this and the other bullshit that day...you know who you are on this blog).

What hasn't been talked about enough is the culpability that the Israeli Prime Minister and IDF Chief of Staff have in this atrocity.

They need to pay and pay big.

I hope the Israeli people get around to this after the drama is over but both need to go to prison.

Propaganda or savage truth?

*The Palestinian people would do themselves a HUGE favor if they put up clear dividers between Hamas & themselves.  As things stand today, Hamas equals Palestinians.  Even their supporters fail to state that their is a difference.  On this blog I've tried to make the distinction but its very hard when supporters don't.

Why is this important?  Because when you have Congress Critters that are so rabid it just hardens my own resolve to see Hamas destroyed.  NOT the Palestinian people but HAMAS!  That pathetic Congress Critter makes no distinction.  Doom on that ugly bitch.

Open Comment Post. 16 Nov 23

Mobilized straight from a hospital checkup

Weird. During good times you have to be in damn near perfect health to serve your country. In bad? You can be knocking on deaths door and subpar mentally/physically and they still want you.

Aurora Flight Sciences SPRINT X-plane

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I really wish someone would tell me the real story on why this guy bailed on this command assignment...


I've been looking for answers on this one for a long time. Many know but no one is talking. Its weird. This was a golden ticket to ride and he bailed. Even in this article he doesn't give an explanation. I know I have a few people on the air side of the house. LET ME KNOW WHAT THE DEAL ACTUALLY WAS! Sidenote. I went to an airshow (Dallas) and the Blue Angels didn't show up. I asked what the deal was and all I got was blank stares. Weird as fuck.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The hostages are most likely dead...at least the majority. Don't expect mercy from these animals...

Drink the vid in.

Now ask yourself.  Did these men survive?

I seriously doubt it.  If they were tortured and killed then they surely bled out.

If you consider the bodies of the dead as "hostages" then its a fools errand to protest for their return.

They're gone.  The world needs to accept it and it needs to be removed as a bargaining chip.

Warning: Graphic content from Hamas sexual violence on October 7


Monday, November 13, 2023

Before you condemn Israel understand that we DID worse with the full backing of the EU & UN...

Buzz word that has gone out of fashion but is the hallmark of ALL our offensive operations. 


via Wikipedia...
Although Ullman and Wade claim that the need to "[m]inimize civilian casualties, loss of life, and collateral damage" is a "political sensitivity [which needs] to be understood up front", their doctrine of rapid dominance requires the capability to disrupt "means of communication, transportation, food production, water supply, and other aspects of infrastructure",[8] and, in practice, "the appropriate balance of Shock and Awe must cause ... the threat and fear of action that may shut down all or part of the adversary's society or render his ability to fight useless short of complete physical destruction."[9]

Using as an example a theoretical invasion of Iraq 20 years after Operation Desert Storm, the authors claimed, "Shutting the country down would entail both the physical destruction of appropriate infrastructure and the shutdown and control of the flow of all vital information and associated commerce so rapidly as to achieve a level of national shock akin to the effect that dropping nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had on the Japanese."[10]

Israel is conducting "rapid dominance" operations which explains why they are so against pauses in the fight.

Every delay they allow gives the enemy a chance to regain their footing and start to effectively strike back.

Hamas leadership is on the run, unable to organize their defenses or rally assistance in a coordinated manner.

My only bone to pick with the IDF is whether or not their planning has included the massive pushback they're getting worldwide.

They can win the battle of Gaza and lose by putting their economy in a hole that they can't dig out of.

Unfortunately we've shown the way with beyond the pale sanctions.  Sooner or later that will be used against us or an ally. I believe that we'll soon see them used against Israel (they tried before but we were such an economic powerhouse that they stood no chance...we're no longer that economic powerhouse).

Trans people should really rethink their support of Hamas. This happened in Turkey, a modern-moderate Muslim country....


That's the biggest problem with current day America (I guess back to the Bush Jr admin). No one wants to import our culture, even though its being pushed worldwide. Hell many of us don't like our culture! The biggest problem is that their is a cult of "change" that wants it NOW instead of evolving things. That leads to one thing. Chaos. No one will import chaos into their country if they can help it.

Late Open Comment Post. 13 Nov 23

I've been trying to pound this into the heads of people in my church...especially the Deacons and Pastor. Christianity is NOT meant to be a suicide pact. You fight evil you don't surrender to it!

Not even teenagers yet and these kids are fucked for life...


Sorry guys. I believe in redemption stories, but let's be honest here. These kids are fucked for life. Sooner or later they're gonna run across me or someone like me and the spiral begins...assuming they don't do something stupid and get killed. Might seem strange but prayers up for them. That's the only hope they have. The system took part in building them, won't save them and will eventually have to deal with them.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

US base in Syria hit. 5 troops killed?


Thanks to Maria Zakharovka for the link! Austin has been disappointing. His response to the provocations up to this point have been weak...dare I say pussified. If they've spilled American blood then its time to go hard.  

Its time to microfragment a few terror bases along with....lets see...5 US troops killed?  A good start would be to cause at least 5000 deaths and injuries.

This is the fucking Middle East.

Weakness is an aphrodisiac in this region.  You show weakness  and YOU'RE GONNA GET FUCKED!

Hit them hard or get the fuck out but stop with these super power games if you aren't playing to win and make mothers of the enemy cry!

SOCOM Operators died in the helo crash in the Med


Thanks to Maria Zakharovka for the link! Someone always talks and with X being worldwide we will learn about shit (if we know where to look or have "connections" worldwide) before our perspective govts want us to. God Bless to the troops and their families. Rest In Peace guys.

A night of long knives in Ukraine

 Thanks to Cogitans Iuvenis for the link!

via simplicius76

The stakes rise as Ukraine’s internal situation undergoes major turmoil, with opposing factions now openly clashing for power in an increasingly deadly way.

Zaluzhny’s personal right hand man was blown up by a grenade delivered to him via birthday present. Official explanations seek to downplay it as an innocent ‘accident.’ It was the same excuse of ‘accidental horseplay’ implied by Putin to have been responsible for Prigozhin’s death. Naturally, both explanations are 100% phony.


This makes too much sense and is well worth the read.

Looking at this thing its been obvious that things have been going sideways for awhile now.  Many readers have been talking about the manpower shortage which has been confirmed with the talk of Ukraine about to draft its WOMEN to fight in this war (sorry, too old skool to think that's anything but desperation...i guess I need to modernize).

It also explains the DESPERATION and almost foaming at the mouth that we're seeing from the like of people like Sen Graham.

The neo-cons and globalists are gonna take an L in Ukraine but perhaps the peace will allow a prosperous Ukraine that has a foot in both camps and is a friend to all.

Which leaves the bastard Zelensky.

His wife knows the deal.  That dude is gonna end up dead or in exile.  I'm having a hard time figuring out where he will end up. In the US?  Hated and hounded.  In a European country?  Same. If he's smart he'll head to an Asian nation and melt into the background as just another rich European taking advantage of the perks that come from living in the region.  If he can survive for maybe 5 years and is able to dodge the next regime's security apparatus and possibly even the Russian's then he will be just a sad footnote in history.

Open Comment Post. 12 Nov 23

Foreign news is reporting that an E-2D went down killing 5 Sailors...

Myanmar is suffering an insurgency?

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Israel’s 551st brigade from battles inside Gaza

Open Comment Post. 11 Nov 23

Happy Veterans Day

My respect to all that have served. You did the work that most citizens won't do. But I do have a question. For the sake of national unity and to slow the rise of tribalism would you vets be willing to basket several holidays onto the calendar and simply designate days as national holidays instead of recognizing specific groups during individual months? From my chair its becoming a bit chaotic. If you belong to an individual tribe then they could simply do like the Marine Corps does and celebrate that holdiay among their members. What say you?

Are we in the fourth turning?


Note. I've never been big on the "cycle" theory. History might rhyme but it never repeats. It rhymes because human faults are universal and everlasting (while as long as humans exist) which is why things rhyme. One other thing that I find unique in the time period in which we exist (maybe not...humans are inherently evil in their base form), those in power push change thru crisis. Things that would never be allowed during "good" times are fully embraced in times of crisis. We've had back to back crisis over the last few years it seems.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Personal Opinion. If we don't want a wider war then we better put a leash on Netanyahu...

Let me get this outta the way.

I cheered the initial assault into Gaza.  I STILL want Hamas to die. But war is politics and the politics of this thing are turning ugly.

I've been tuned into the Arab news on X and the outcry is like a savage storm.  See much of the same in European news.

Ordinarily I don't give a fuck what anyone has to say when it comes to public opinion and doing what's right.

I think the IDF has drawn enough blood and its time to put a leash on Netanyahu.

I've seen some of the pics of the destruction and estimates of the force of the bombs dropped so far.  Some are claiming that the amount of munitions dropped equals 2 nuclear bombs.

From the amount of destruction I've seen I think they're right.

So what do we have.

1.  The decimation of North Gaza.

2.  A humanitarian catastrophe.

3.  A divided US population on this issue.

4.  A weakened economy.

5.  A major war in Europe.

6.  Support among allies in general and in the Middle East (if you can call any of those bastards allies) evaporating before our eyes.

I know I'm going back on my original thinking but I got new info and that requires a rethink of things.  If we don't get Netanyahu to call off the dogs then Israel will be more isolated than ever, we could be on the verge of a major Middle East war and we could see a dangerous world situation turn sideway.

In short?

I think that in order to save Israel we have to stop Israel.

Are economic warning signs flashing?

Wow. Always thought the bounce back after SHUTTING DOWN THE ENTIRE FREAKING ECONOMY was too good to be true. You just can't turn off the economy and expect there NOT to be any blowback to the action. Let's see. How do we historically get out of a financial downturn? Oh, that's right we get into a good ole' economy churning war. Is that the Middle East I hear calling?

Town in Iceland evacuated over volcano threat

Hmmm. Are the "evil" countries as evil as we've been told or is it all a huge game?

That Time Cuba Offered Doctors to the U.S. After Katrina. And the U.S. Refused
byu/Prudent_Bug_1350 inAntimoneymemes
I never heard this before. IF it is true then they would have helped. Even better? Imagine we had a whole regiment of medical personnel, SKILLED people, that decided they wanted to stay in the US after the crisis had passed. I think that's the kind of immigration anyone would support and Bush Jr was wanting to get an immigration bill passed at the time. IF this is true then it makes ya wonder. Was this another missed opportunity to get Cuba into our camp and the people away from communism?

This is a bad man!

X is so much fun. I wanna meet this dude. Never been close to a killer of this magnitude. He should have some interesting stories.

Open Comment Post. 10 Nov 23



This is what a barbaric culture looks like. This is what a primitive culture looks like. No morality. No commonsense. Justified evil in the name of a religion.

Happy Birthday Marines!


Best wishes to all Marines on our birthday!

What's with the protests?

 Have you been watching the various protests that we've seen over the years?

It's a little crazy.  It seems like there are ready made groups of people ready to take to the streets over various issues.  How can so many be so willing to do this type activity is beyond me, but the bigger question is how do they fit it into their lives?

If you're working, attending school, or taking care of children in a stay home capacity its just doesn't seem possible.  If you're unemployed and looking for work the same applies.  If you're retired then several factors - age, maturity, fitness - would seem to keep you from participating (but lets be real...these are young and middle aged people).

So I'm left to believe that either these people are PROFESSIONAL protesters or they're unemployed, have time on their hands and get off on this stuff.

Either way it needs to be investigated, permitting needs to be enforced and the drain on resources to provide security for these events needs to be recouped.

I don't know about you but these protests don't even get attention unless something obscene happens.  Just too many of them and they hardly move the needle when it comes to my views of the various subjects they're protesting about.

Protests have been overused.  They're at BEST noise and at worst an ANNOYANCE.  You better believe they're just annoying to me.  These people need to get a life.

B-21 first flight

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Hmmm. So they got a sex trafficking ring?


This is good. Still want to know who went to Epstein's island!

Hamas has blacks in its ranks?


Didn't know that. 

Don't matter. 


Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Ram is right on Ukraine!


Mainstream Journalists were embedded with Hamas during the Oct 7 attack?

These fuckers knew it was coming! If AP, CNN, the New York Times and Reuters knew then the fucking US & Israeli Govts knew!!  A reader pointed out that the response time for IDF/Security Forces was extremely slow.  Could this be the reason why?  How much of this will be deemed classified once they do a review?  Is this why Netanyahu is pushing to "provide security in Gaza", a move that he knows will result in a counter insurgency from hell?