Sunday, November 05, 2023

All you people cheering for Hamas are cheering for this...

Iranian girl cheers for her favorite team from behind the fence as women aren't allowed into stadium
byu/JaswanthReddit inpics
You people better take another look at those protests.

The enemy isn't at the gates.  THE ENEMY IS INSIDE THE WIRE!

If you don't know, I'm afraid you probably will soon.  They're telegraphing it too.  They're pushing for gun control because once the US gets its own "Oct 7th" its gonna be on.

You get what you deserve so the looming attack doesn't bother me much.  Too many have been all about that open border shit to even rankle my feather anymore.

The only part of this that bothers me is that the tilt to law and order will be so extreme that we're gonna see a Patriot Act 2.0 on steroids.

We're setting ourselves up (correction, allowed ourselves to be setup) for a police state that would make Stalin blush.

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