Thursday, November 02, 2023

Any object can be a deadly weapon...

Lord Bebo expresses outrage here. I made the comment on an earlier post that a rock can be considered a deadly weapon and a case can be made that deadly force is justified. I think this vid illustrates my point. A person with a knife that charges another individual is obviously a case where deadly force is authorized. What about in this case? Dude has a large rock. He looks (at least from my chair) that when the guy gets out with the rifle he appears to be getting ready to throw it.

That is where the rock thrower messed up.

If he had struck the care and ran away then it would be only property damage.

But he didn't do that.

He turned and looked as if he was going to throw the rock.  He was shot.

Now let's flip this.  What if he had thrown the rock, hit the guy with the rifle in the head knocking him out.  He's then at the mercy of the rock thrower who could (1) stomp him to death (2) take his rifle and shoot him to death or (3) simply walk away with his then victim possibly suffering brain damage for the rest of his life.

This is a major problem with the world we live in (talking about the West).

We are so pussified, so fearful of violence that many PREFER to be the victims of that violence instead of fighting back.

At the end of the day this is a case of FAFO.

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