Saturday, November 04, 2023

Check out this thread on Hamas tunnel networks...

Did some thinking about tunnels. I still think the idea of going down and fighting underground is a fool's errand. I luv CoffeeJoeJava's idea of simply pumping in sea water, the IDF's sponge bomb and other easy fixes that don't require sending your men down there.

Having said that and taking a short look back at history, I have to believe that tunnels really only work in certain locations.  In the jungle (at least in the past without the ISR assets we have today) I have to believe that they DO work, and I'm looking at the Vietnam War as the bellcow for that statement.

Cities?  Not so much.  They anticipated.  Even in this war from what I've seen of the footage the tunnels work in what I would call "the suburbs" of the fight.  Once they hit actual cities they're dialed in hard to the fact that they're out there.

In short?

Tunnels are an obstacle but if you're willing to work smart (CJJ's idea) then they can be nullified quite easily.

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