Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Israel to be responsible for security in Gaza for an indefinite period? TERRIBLE MISTAKE!

What is with conservatives world wide that win battles but then do stupid shit to ensure later defeat?

The IDF is doing God's work by killing Hamas Terrorist.  They are winning and will ultimate win a battle with pure evil.

But Netanyahu wants to go one step further.

He wants to "be responsible for security in Gaza"?

Terrible mistake.  Borderline batshit crazy.

It will end in tears.

How do you win in this modern age?  You go in, fuck shit up, throat stomp whatever animal is in front of you AND THEN YOU LEAVE!

If the threat reappears then you've established enough ISR assets, human intel etc...to catch that shit in its crib and you send in an elite force to fuck shit up, throat stomp the animal and once again you leave.

If the IDF is responsible for Gaza security then Israel will be faced with an ongoing insurgency that will rage and sap the strength of the force.

Diplomatic relations with its neighbors will be shattered for generations, and others from around the world will travel great distance just to spill Israeli blood.

If they follow my advice and then hand over security to the EU/UN then they can stay clean, humanitarian help can be given to the Palestinians and things can resume.

The last thing Israel needs is a 30 year raging insurgency eating up its young men.


Hezbollah and Iran are looming.  They're gonna have to be dealt with and the IDF is gonna need to restock for the big fight thats coming.

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