Saturday, November 04, 2023

US expects a change in IDF tactics...

I don't think I agree with this assessment. I believe the IDF is gonna continue with their bombardment in an attempt to wreck as many tunnels as possible. I do believe that the ground assault will become the focuse but I believe the end is in sight for this operation. I said earlier that worldwide public attention would end this fight sooner rather than later and I expect it to be all but done by Thanksgiving. What has me puzzled is the fact that we're seeing massive protest in Japan. JAPAN! In support of Hamas!?! Someone is bankrolling this thing and I would luv to know who it is and why. Someone wants the West distracted and stupid. Unfortunately they're winning. Too many domestic problems in each country to have this fill so much attention. Even our own lawmakers are more focused on these events then the issues at home.

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