Sunday, December 24, 2023

Biden is degrading dramatically


Note. I've seen alzhiemers up close and it ain't pretty. To be frank its downright disturbing. To watch it is to be a witness to living agony. I might be being dramatic but a family member suffered from it and it was terrible to see. But back on task. I hope this isn't altered. If it isn't then listen to his voice. This dude is in shit state. He's degrading dramatically which is kinda worisome. I've seen that part of this thing too. People who suffer this are basically fucked. The decline is slow and if you aren't paying attention or if you're fooling yourself you can find reasons to downplay it. The problem is that at some point, if you're paying attention, the slow decline becomes a fall off the cliff. I think we're about to see that fall off the cliff. In my case it happened in a month. After that it could no longer be ignored and even those that were trying to downplay it had to come to grips with reality. America is about to have to come to grips with reality. Our president is in decline and will soon fall off the cliff.

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