Friday, December 29, 2023

The Methodist Church of Great Britain is for all purposes dead....


This has been the most shocking thing I've seen about the covid bullshit. Churches voluntarily closed their doors instead of seeking to work with their flocks during that emotional and isolating time. Since then they haven't taken one stance against all the craziness we've seen. To the contrary they've endorsed it. The church is dead. Individuals are having to hold their own moral standards against insanity instead of looking to organized religion to be a guide. I've always said that religion at least in the black community (which has been politically compromised for awhile and now socially) is just organized/legalized theft. You'll see preachers driving brand new Mercedes/Rolls Royce/BMWs while the people donating are eating rice and beans everyday and glad when friday comes so they can put a hot dog in it.

Govt and social media killed it and the church leadership participated for popularity, money or because they want the thing to die.

Either way its evil all the way around and I hope there is special place in hell for all the fucks.

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