Friday, December 22, 2023

You think things suck for you? Check out what this kid is dealing with.

IF I make it to heaven I'm gonna ask God why he would allow a child to born with this condition. It just ain't fair. I'm not talking about being turned down for your dream job or not getting a date but REALLY unfair. God bless this kid. If this ain't a wake up call nothing is. As bad as things might be, at least you're not dealing with this shit. If you even have a portion of health you are beyond blessed.

Now let me hit you with a moral conundrum.

You say you're against abortion?

I do.

How about in this case?  For me?  It's a mindfuck.  Taking a moral stance is easy, but it can get real tricky real quick once real life hits.

This child will have NO CHANCE at a normal life.  He will not be able to go to school without causing massive disruption.  He will never date.  I don't know his life expectancy but it can't be long.

Would it have been moral for his mother to have an abortion or would it be a sin?
This boy was born with a rare condition called neurofibromatosis
byu/Stunning-Pension7171 ininterestingasfuck

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