Tuesday, January 16, 2024

A big heart will get you killed. Don't let compassion lead you to a terrible death...


Wow. Alot of people are applauding this. I think its batshit stupid. Want to know my issues?

1.  If a gun is pointed then the time for talk is over.  He pointed a gun at you.  He dies or is seriously injured.  Full stop.
2.  He picked your house once.  He will do it again if you allow him to go unpunished.
3.  He has the layout of your house now.  He is getting a good view of where you and your wife sleeps.  Your kids rooms.  If you have a dog or not.  Security camera layout.
4.  He knows you're armed.  
5.  You handled him solo.  Will you handle him when he comes back with his "boys"?

Compassion will get you killed.  You know how to handle this stuff. You know the ramifications if you don't.  Never hesitate and always protect yourself and your family.

If you can't then you deserve the misery you're gonna get.

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