Thursday, January 04, 2024

Apparently, along with almost every other nationality on this planet, battle aged males from Ukraine are crossing our southern border


Ya know what's more alarming then the out of control migration? Not much. But what is of additional concern is that the word "assimilation" has disappeared from the conversation. By my back of the sheet estimation it will take at least 30 years of work to assimilate these people into our society. That's just partial assimilation. The chaos that will hit from them figuring out that the American dream is dead and that the goodies just ain't there anymore will lead many to crime. The coming upheaval will be messy and deadly. We're about to see some 3rd world violence in our country. The coming carnage will be a sight to behold.

Back to the Ukrainian males.

If we were a true ally and if Zelensky was thinking properly about his war effort then rather than demand new weapons he would be demanding the forced return of male citizen that fled his country.

They need manpower.  We have no idea of how many Ukrainians have crossed our border but I'd bet he has at least a couple of battalions worth inside the good ole' USA.

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