Friday, January 26, 2024

GDLS completes testing of their ARV (press release)

Textron is a home state corporation so they have my backing. I can't lie though. I'm intrigued by the GDLS offering. The hull form alone is worthy of conversation. Having said that Textron is more upfront with the public. They let you see their offering. They give you a peek behind the curtain. (CORRECTED~!~! I had originally posted it as GDLS but it was LOCKHEED MARTIN!!!) GDLS has been in a crouch ever since the ACV competition, for whatever reason and despite them being a premier defense corporation they kinda shit the bed with their entry.  This totally flips my original posting.  I remember the vehicle they presented for the ACV contest.  It was tall --- kinda like an attempt at an amphibious stryker (don't know that for sure). Press release follows.
General Dynamics Land Systems announced today that it has successfully completed testing of its Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV).

Test locations from January to November 2023 included the Nevada Automotive Test Center (NATC), U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, and Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. 

General Dynamics Land Systems’ ARV capability is designed to serve as the Marine Corps’ “quarterback” on the mobile and multi-domain battlefield. It connects to an array of onboard and off-board sensors, plus uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) and, in the future, ground and water robotic systems. The General Dynamics Land Systems design ensures growth margins and modular open architecture to rapidly incorporate new technology as it develops. It also incorporates the company’s Next Generation Electronic Architecture, enabling artificial intelligence functionality and control of robotic systems.


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