Wednesday, January 10, 2024

"Houthis launch a complex attack"....drone swarms are not living up to my imagination of them...

I might be wrong but in the past the US Navy was setup to kill an all sector attack of Kitchen supersonic anti-ship missiles. I'm talking a swarm of those high speed bastards zooming in at supersonic speed hugging the waves.

In that light I just can't get excited about the Houthi effort.  The AEGIS system is supposed to EASILY be able to handle what's being sent at it WHILE engaging a surface threat (meaning enemy surface action group....bad guy destroyers).

Maybe its too much military science fiction but drone swarms had me thinking you'd be seeing like 100 drones being sent at one ship and the crew having to fight them off.

18 against an armada just don't seem like much of a threat.

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