Sunday, January 14, 2024

Is it time to accept that Govt & NGOs are only profiting from the suffering we're seeing?


San Fran is dying if its not already dead.

I'm far away but I just don't see how anyone that has even a smidge of commonsense could accept seeing their family live anywhere near that place.

But the guy in the video said something that made me pause. It was something like the NGOs are all profiting from this.

Think about all the NGOs that claim to be trying to solve this problem.  Yet we all see this kind of madness.

Are they playing on our heartstrings?  I bought a burger (not at the usual places but a decent little spot) and part of the tab had a place to make a donation to help troubled youth.

I donated but I have to wonder.  Is that money actually being used properly?

The only one I know that works is St Judes.  But the others?  Not so much.

Have we all been being played?

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