Saturday, January 20, 2024

Just plain wow! Biden admits that the southern border is unsecured....

This is crazy. This means that the President knew that his DHS sec lied to congress and more importantly the American people! This means that he has lied to us all in the past. But he blames it on lack of money? He says he's asked for more of everything? You do know what this is really don't you? The Republicans FINALLY exercised the power of the purse and to get funding for Ukraine, he's setting the stage for a "compromise". I would be happy but the Republicans won't push for a REALLY secure border. It'll be leaky as hell only Fox News won't report it like they have for the past few months. Oh and trust and believe that this is also setting the stage for them to have plausible deniability and say that they worked to secure the border after the next terrorist attack probably this summer but surely before the presidential election.

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