Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Late Happy New Year.

 Stuff had to get done so I wasn't able to wish it to you on Monday, but happy new year ya'll.

Weird vibe in my part of the country this year.  New Years was a bit subdued except for the usual idiots.  For the average man/woman it appears that everyone is happy to see 2023 in the rear view but I don't sense much excitement for 2024.

As a matter of fact I get the impression of dread.

Maybe its a local thing.  Maybe it is the vibe in the country I don't know.

What I do know is this.

Control what you can.  No need in stressing about things outta your control.  Of course you should be informed.  Of course you should know what's going on in your community, state, nation and worldwide as much as possible.

But their drama is NOT your drama.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and your bros.  Pray for others (victims...not the animals).  Do your part within reason to be a good citizen and person.

Other than that?  It's out of our hands....so screw it.

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