Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Should the USMC have 3 different divisions?

 A reader (Noble) wrote this...

Ah. Yeah I think all three MEFs should be structured differently.

I MEF = Pacific counter-attack

II MEF = amphibious mechanized (should have a tank regiment with all 3 tank battalions consolidated under it), focused on Europe and MENA

III MEF = Sea denial and littoral/brown water maneuver, "first 30 days" force to blunt Chinese offensive actions

I could get behind this but...what does a Pacific counter-attack force look like?

I still have a problem with III MEF being a dedicated sea denial force.  Maybe a few battalions but the entire III MEF as a missile force?  Recon & Counter Recon force?  Seems like a waste.  As its being built its too damn light to do anything and we have all the ISR we need without throwing bodies at it.

II MEF sounds like the legacy Marine Corps so you know I'm good with'll probably be so damn busy that it'll get reinforced with units taken from I MEF to bolster it if we follow this plan.

What say ya'll? 

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