Friday, January 12, 2024

Talk of a "New" Texas Republic is gaining steam...

That's some crazy shit (make sure you read the whole twitter thread...sidenote...elon fucked up by changing it to "x"...twitter is a brand name and this new branding is confusing at best).

With the differences we see popping up in the country I can see the Fallout Game solution becoming a reality.

We're gonna need federalization.  Construct maybe 5 or 6 federalized zones in the US containing x number of states.  Take the southern US for example.  Say its Zone 2.  It would include Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and Missouri.

It would be federally administrated but would act like appeals courts for each region.

Its the only solution for the differences.  Either than or we see more upheaval.  

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