Friday, January 26, 2024

The sides line up. Team America vs Team Biden...


I know you think I'm being inflammatory but this has been brewing for awhile now.

The looming constitutional crisis will be blamed on open borders and illegal immigration but from my chair its really a war between the East/West Coast against the middle (for the most part) of America.

The above map basically says it all.  Well kinda.  VA is a lost cause in my book.  The Obama admin flipped that state a long time ago and so many Washington bureaucrats live there that it won't be conservative again for a generation.  Not so sure about SC either.  Ohio is solid except for the big cities (we feel your pain down south) but as far as the rest?  Yeah it fits.

I personally pray that the Speaker of the House (from my state) holds the line and doesn't give in to the bullshit that will be coming from the Senate.

If he does (and he better or he will lose his next election) then this will force the hand of the admin.

Is getting Ukraine more money more important to them than securing the border or is getting more illegals into the country the end all be all for the future of the Democratic party?

We shall soon know.

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